Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kindle Fire...Wahoo!!!

For my birthday Kerby bought me a Kindle Fire and I am so stinkin' excited! I've been wanting one for so long because I love to read. I had no idea all the things you could do with it though, like use the internet, watch movies, play games. I'm so thrilled and Kerby is excited to use it too. I think he gave it to me early so that he could take it to church and use the scriptures on it. Also he wanted me to pick out what I wanted, the case color and everything. So, I found a great deal on an unopened one with a new cool case and a $25 Amazon gift card which will come in really handy when I shop for books! I share an account with Jessica, Audrey and Nancy so there are already lots of fun things to read on there. Thank you so much Kerby I am in book world heaven now. ;) Thanks Nancy for the money to spend on books and downloads. WAHOO! Oh ya and guess what? It can be a mirror too! I noticed that while playing around with it that at times it looks just like you're looking into a mirror. I can't wait to discover everything I can do with it.

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