Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Nanny McPhee Returns

Today Carrie, Tina, Collette and I and all our kids went to Spanish Fork theater and saw this because it was the dollar movie and actually some of us, including me, hadn't seen it. I love taking my kids to the dollar movie for a few reasons. It's cheap, not very far away, I can be pretty lazy while watching (aside from taking Skylar to the bathroom 3 least!), it's pretty quiet except for the movie and (this is no secret) I love to watch movies.
This was a cute movie, corny but cute. What matters most is that it helps with all of the above I just mentioned. I wouldn't buy this movie, or the last Nanny McPhee but I know lots of people who have and that's ok. I think watching these (for an adult) once is enough times. Plus if the kids ever want to watch it again I'm sure it will be on Netflix. Anyways, it was fun and Nanny McPhee always has a good story, and maybe my kids learned/relearned some of her lessons. :) That's what I need to do, have my kids watch it once a week so that they relearn the lessons Nanny McPhee teaches.

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