Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Ornaments

I used Krylon Metallic Brilliant Silver spray paint. I love the color. They have Brilliant Gold too.
 The ribbon I used.

Remember at Kadin's birthday party how we made ornaments? Well, here is the finished ornament. I think they turned out really pretty, but not exactly how I planned. I had all the kids put their finger prints on a star and then each family put all their finger prints on bigger stars. First of all the prints didn't show, just a hole, second some of the holes to hang the ornament with were too small so I've learned from that and third I need to find a better way to write their names and the year. You can tell what they say though so it still worked pretty good. We just poked holes with a toothpick to write their names. All in all I think they turned out pretty good for my first time making salt dough ornaments.
Here's the link to what I wanted them to look like.

Here's the salt dough recipe I used.
1 c. salt
2 c. flour
1 c. water
1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees
2. Mix together the dry ingredients, the flour and the salt, with the water until it forms a dough.
3. Spread flour onto a flat, dry surface and begin to knewad the dough on top of it.
4. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Be careful not to let it get too thin. If you prefer molding the dough by hand, remember that your palms will get sticky unless you put flour on them too.
5. Use cookie cutters to acquire the desired shapes you want.
6. Take a toothpick and trace a circle at the top of each ornament. This will allow you to thread ribbon through the holes and hang the decorations on your tree. (I actually used a match end for some of the wholes and they worked much better.)
7. Place all of your ornaments on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for two hours.
8. Once the items have turned brown and risen, remove them from the oven.
9. Allow the ornaments to cool completely before decorating them.
You could use glitter, beads, paint, ribbon, stamps, ink, lots of things but I just chose to spray paint them one color.

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